Monday, June 8, 2020



Recent years have witnessed a very fast adoption of new digital channels that allowed billions of human beings to connect ,share and collaborate like never before. Digital marketing is the fastest e-commerce solution available . We can buy or sell fast in this marketing strategy so you can reach out maximum audience or customers.When you use digital advertising, you can also use advanced targeting methods to reach your target audience. These targeting features go beyond the capabilities of traditional marketing which forces your business to target people in and outside of your target market. Digital Advertising and Marketing both are essential parts of business and today's scenario . Today children and all freshers are more into the digital world. Why , because it is more attractive and interesting . Internet usage and survey is mostly done now . Every fresher is doing a job on digital advertising for companies and restaurants. Banners , social advertising and all . You all might know how business is gaining more value through digital . Each and every person on earth is going digital now . Starting from sending messages , recharges, paying bills , movie tickets , booking for ebill ,rashan , shopping , advertising , meeting everything is done in digital leaving phone for a while is impossible for people these days .Reaching insights can be checked by creating business in instagram . 

Digital advertising has distinguishing features and also advantages. Digital advertisements promote dual communications between advertisers and users so this situation makes these advertisements more effective. Digital advertising supplies a direct connection to product catalogs.  To promote both static and dynamic advertisement choice, representation, and display, digital advertisers can use customer targeting methods. The other distinctive feature of digital advertisements is related to being globally accessible and available 24/7 .Digital advertisements can be easily transmitted, exhibited, preserved and modernized because of their online nature.  Because of digitalization, digital advertisements are extremely monitorable and evaluable.   Banner Advertising Banner is an ad type that enables the connection of sites and provides a product that reaches the consumer. There are different kinds of banner applications. facebook , whatsapp or by creating your own website or collaborating in others . Advertising world is full of fun and has great competition in that . Let us talk about a few main effects used on digital advertising and marketing that continues with business . When your company adopts digital media advertising, you can expect results instantly. As soon as you launch your paid campaigns, you can start receiving clicks, orders, phone calls, and more. You can also track and associate each of these actions with your campaigns. With that kind of tracking, your company can easily see the impact of digital advertising on your business and its bottom line. As we have seen how this works and is influencing us all now let us talk about how it helps in business . The actual work marketing is to compe advertising apart from this online  etc advertising because that brings a lot of changes in the market  and to the outer world a lot . Social media is what brings everyone to one place  even when you are not physically present . some basic social media sites which has made business easy are ---

Facebook, instagram,linkedin,whatsapp,quora, etc.

I have recently done a survey to know how people are utilizing the social media .

Here we tried to find out how digital life has bring development and advancement in this era . People keep on trying new and new and make it possibly attractive to there level this will bring more changes and a good change to world and will be main source for every business people from now , In my survey i understood how much time they spend  , what social media they use most , what are there motive to use etc .



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